I spent a lot of money this weekend, but I don’t regret it. Did I need every little thing I got? For sure no. But you know what I did need? Good bras. Ever since I had kids and have breastfed and created two tiny Humans, my breasts have been through the ringer. They have doubled in size and are deflated and saggy and have truly served their purpose in life. From pumping almost exclusively with my daughter for 8 months (go me!)to exclusively breastfeeding my son and then full time pumping at work and nursing at home with my son for 13 months (go me!!!) it has been an accomplishment. So, here is a post about the best bras after nursing that I have found so far, so you don’t have to look so hard like I did.
After I got pregnant and had my first baby, I basically almost immediately could no longer wear bras with underwire. It was so uncomfortable and with my daughter who was breech, it was basically impossible because I carried her so high that my boobs sat on my stomach like a table top and that just didn’t have any room for metal wires. It’s been a delicate balance- underwire provides the support and lift needed for a large breasted woman but is so uncomfortable and also while your breastfeeding they tell you to steer clear because it can contribute to clogged ducts. I also developed this horribly uncomfortable under the breast rash-yeast issue which I never even knew was a thing.
I’m a pretty sweaty person in general but pregnant and breastfeeding that shit was like- insanity to the max. I’m talking night sweats, smelly, dripping sweat on the regs when others were dare I say- cold? Where my other sweaty mamas at? Is that a thing? #sweatymoms unite! Insert hubs comments here who literally told me on numerous occasions that sleeping with me was like sleeping with a furnace. One time, he told me I made him physically sick because I was radiating so much heat it was effecting him. I digress. Anyway, that is not helped me in the bra department. Now that my breasts have been pulled and rugged and stretched to their maximum x2, gravity is not my friend. Which means there’s a much larger area of circumference that no longer sees the light of day and contributes to bacteria.
Things I’ve learned- quick spritz with the hairdryer on cool down there after the shower just to make sure that the area is as dry as possible before getting dressed is your friend. Also, Monistat anti chafe cream is amazing for under there as preventive. I checked it with my dermatologist to ensure it was safe In general and especially safe while breastfeeding and he looked it up and gave me the clear. Always check with your own provider and do your own research for sure, but that helped a lot. I ended up getting some prescription clindamycin for when it got really bad- I would literally get these open painful sores, and it was miserable. Sleeping braless was/is key, and taking off my bra as soon as I got home from work, also amaze. Now I will say in those first couple of months postpartem sleeping without a bra for me was no something that could be a reality while my supply was regulating- especially with baby #2 I suffered from oversupply and mastitis from a tongue and lip tie and would literally pour breast milk everywhere without bras and breast pads next to my bed.
I was very conscious of changing my bra if not once twice a day though due to gross breast milk literally being on any and everything and also, sweat sweat sweat. Y ’all, I’m not kidding, can I tell you with baby #1, I was postpartem in the summer and I would be in underwear and a tank top and my baby would be in long sleeved and pants. People would enter my house in hoodies and sweats and I would be dying. I made my husband prop a box fan on a chair at the end of my bed so it was blowing on me constantly, and had to sleep on a towel and a mattress protector and would wake up soaking wet. It was a mess. When I got pregnant with my son one month earlier than I did with my daughter and knew that I was heading for another post partem summer, I threatened my husbands life (jk) that if he didn’t install a ceiling fan in our room by Christmas Day, things would turn out very bad for him. He smartly did so, and as I sit here snuggled with my babe for a nap 15 months post partem it is the gift that keeps on giving.
Anyway, I just this past week packed up all of my maternity wear including my (feels like) 1,000 nursing bras and tanks and realized I legit don’t have any real bras anymore. I also don’t truly know what size that I am any more. I’m still carrying 30 pounds of extra weight from pregnant easily that I am finally turning a corner and getting ready to start actively doing something about, so I didn’t want to invest too much into a bra since I will hopefully see some change upstairs too once I start losing some lbs, but I knew I needed something comfy and supportive in the meantime. I went to Kohl’s for their 4th of July weekend sale and got 3 new bras, originally marked from $40 and I ended up getting them from $12.50/$22.50 and $20! What a steal! I didn’t try them on in store as I would have liked because I forgot the stroller and had two toddlers running around the store like crazy banchees and I knew I had a limited time before all hell broke loose- insert check out line complete and total meltdown with blood curdling screams that could brake glass from 3 year old- #momfail so I did a quick check of the size chart on the back and did my best guess.
I knew I wanted non-underwire, and something that gave me some support and life without the bulge and the spillage. Gone are today’s of the sexier the better totally unpractical Victoria secret runs… sorry hubs! They actually never really fit me right anyway so I don’t know why I even bothered. Anyway. I have only tried on one so far and am wearing it right now and game changer. I feel like a new woman! My boobs are at a normal level, and I’m not filling straps, adjusting, bulging g or having the dreaded bottom band spillage- think recent kourtney khardashian instagram shots of her wearing a triangle bikini 10 sizes too small and having bottom boob cleavage only not sexy at all and major wardrobe malfunction-Esque. It’s not at all sexy and I picked the most practical colors for me and my skin tone and wardrobe, basic T-shirt grey (today’s model), black and beige. We’ll see how the other two work out, but for now- I’m signing off as a new mom with a new boob purpose!
Interested in the brands that worked for me: Olga- easy does it collection “smooths underarm bulge, wire free. Size large
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