Adventures in Mamahood, Marriage, and Allergen-Free Living.

Pandemic Baby: Baby #3 Birth Story 2021

Brave Mama on the way to c-section with 3rd pandemic baby.

Your birth story: written at 10 days old 1/17/21

Birth: 1/8/21, 8:28 am, 8 lbs 12 oz, 20.5 inches

*Trigger Warning – C-Section, Birth Trauma*

Dad and I could not fall asleep. We were just so anxious about what was to come and ready to meet you. The alarm went off at 4:30 and I popped out of bed. We had packed the car the night before and just had our pillows and back pack to throw in and go! It was not a normal birth after all, we were in the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and about to have our first pandemic baby.

We got to the hospital almost exactly at 5:30 for check in and they were waiting for us. We had a perfect parking spot in the first row of the lot. Before walking in, we played your now birth song, “Starting Over” by Chris Stapleton. It fully describes how we were feeling in that moment, and how we felt about bringing you into the world, our little man. We are starting over as parents, but you were meant to be. We listened to it all the way through, held hands, and then got ready to walk right in.

The took our temperature upon arrival and gave Dad a badge, and sent us up to Labor and delivery! They were all waiting for us and got us checked in right away. It is so bizarre walking in to the hospital, my little pandemic baby. Everything was so official compared to before. They led us Into our Pre surgery Prep room. It was the exact room that we were in for Bunny and I started to panic since so much trauma and hurt happened beginning there. They had me undress and go to the bathroom to pee in a cup and I was so nervous I started to shake and spilled the pee all over myself! I had to have dad ask the nurse to get me a new gown and redress. We got back to the bed and the new nurse, Elaine came in. She took one look at me, and even with my mask on, knew that I was scared. She said, okay you look scared what’s going on. Tell me what’s happening. So we told her our story and she asked us if we needed another room. We told her we didn’t, after thinking about it, because maybe this was our turn to change our story. She totally understood and told us that the new nurses came on shift at 7 and she would make sure to put together the dream team for us.

Doctor C came in to check on us and tell us he was going to get ready for surgery and that we were all set. Then, came in the anesthesiologist. Elaine totally had our back and made sure we were able to tell him our story and our fears since we had so many issues previously. He walked us through every scenario that was going to happen and promised dad and i he would take good care of us. Dad got a jump suit to change into and then he had to stay back while they took us to the OR to get our spinal and get prepped. Elaine was with us every step of the way. She put together a crew of her best nurses that had worked together for 18 years and I told them my story and told them that if anything happened in the OR today that it was my grandmother. Elaine said we had the right crew because they were Clairvoyant! Elaine held my hand and hugged me as Dr. C2 put in spinal and was supportive. Dr. C2 put up the drape and was talking to me the whole time about what was happening and supported me since I couldn’t see.

We asked Elaine to make sure we could get pictures of the placenta and cord since we never got to see it, and she said she would have our back. Daddy finally got led in and thank gosh I was started to panic again and things were getting loud. He saved the day quick and sat right by my head and Norah Jones radio on loud so I couldn’t hear what was happening and I began  to finally calm down, however my body was itching like crazy! This is a side effect that has gotten me all 3 times and it’s the worst – from the medication. Dr. G came in to assist too because he did Bunny’s surgery when they hit my bladder and I think Dr C wanted to be extra sure that this didn’t happen again. The surgery took a lot longer than I thought it was going to, and they even had to use a vacuum to get you out because you were so tightly packed in there.

Hearing you cry was the best noise I had ever heated. You cried way more then Pooks did, and it made me so happy to know you were okay. They brought you over to show daddy and then had you cleaned up. Elaine came and got our phone to take pictures of you in the warmer and the placenta and then they wrapped you up and brought you back to put in my chest. I was so thankful that it was over and that you were totally okay!!

After a little while dad and you had to go to the recovery room so that they could sew me back up. Elaine and doc choa stayed with us the whole time and then Elaine came with us to meet you in the recovery room.

Daddy had you doing skin to skin and all snuggled up in a blanket and it was the cutest thing ever. I got to hold you then too and really get a look at you for the first time. You look SO much like your big sister it’s crazy. With a little bit of Bunny mixed in (your cheeks) and are absolute perfection. You have more hair Than either of your siblings and just like them, dark blue eyes that look like the ocean at night. You have skinny little legs and long fingers and toes and just feel so Teeny Tiny compared to your big brother.

Things went a little astray in the recovery room and I started to hemorrhage blood so after a few times they had to give me a few medicines to stop the bleeding so that was a little scary. We ended up being in there until almost 1:30 pm so they could watch us. Elaine had to go and switch shifts with a woman named Evita but stayed until she knew we were okay and was just such a blessing. I fully believe your Grandma Jo sent her to watch over us and make sure that you and I were both okay. We got up to mother and baby that afternoon and started to make our calls to tell everyone you were here and that we were okay. We had some fantastic nurses that took great care of us from start to finish and made sure we were comfortable. You passed all of your tests with flying colors and we met a great pediatrician Dr. T who we really like! We had similar issues to your brother and sister where we couldn’t go to the bathroom after the catheter was removed and then had some more hemorrhaging which was very very scary.

Luckily Dr C had some tricks up his sleeve for the catheter that worked and solved our problems and nurse Marianne fixed us up and the hemorrhaging stopped on it’s own. Dr C got the second covid vaccine and was totally knocked out on Saturday from it so he came back on Sunday morning to do your circumcision’s. He did a great job and it were a little champion. Everything is healing beautifully. We got discharged on Sunday and you were down to 8 lbs 7oz so they wanted us to get checked again Tuesday. Your sister loved you right away when we got home and has been fighting to hold you a nd kiss you any chance that she could get. Your brother is not sure if you quite get and is pretty jealous of all of the attention you are getting and taking away from him but i think he will get used to it soon. Mawmaw loves you so much and snuggles you tight. You are such a laid back easy baby and besides when you need your diaper change and wake up, you never cry.

You have had a little trouble breastfeeding and losing 7% of your birth weight (8lbs 2oz) so we had to do some formula and pumped milk And we are taking you to get your lip and tongue tie assessed on 2/8. I am not messing around this time around!!

All in all, you are a magical unicorn baby and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. We love you so much kiddo.


Photo: En route to hospital! Brave Mama t-shirt at 5:00am, last picture pregnant. Ever.


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Amber P. Simpson

Blogger & Mamahood Enthusiast

Just a regular mom who has been through the ringer, trying to share the wealth and knowledge with other families so we can all THRIVE. 

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