Adventures in Mamahood, Marriage, and Allergen-Free Living.

Winston B. Simpson, Wonderdog

English bulldog with head out of window and ears flapping in breeze

***Trigger Warning** Loss of Pet**Love of a Pet*** I lost my baby boy. My first love. The dog I had always hoped and dreamed for. My Winnie Boo. My whole life I wanted an English Bulldog. And my whole life, my mom told me, when you grow up and move out, you can get one […]

Mom Roar + Parenting Tips

happy family standing on family road, in a good parenting moment.

Birthday behavior: Mom Roar The other night was my husbands birthday. All I can say is, thank goodness we mostly celebrated it over the weekend and not on the actual Monday that his birthday fell on, because, geez. It. Was. A. Night! Pooks is having a tough time with the transitions right now, totally understandable, […]

New House – Who Dis?

New House - Who Dis?

New house, who dis? 9/3/2019 We closed on the house on a Friday and have been busy bees ever since at the house every second trying to clean it up and move stuff over. Itโ€™s a very busy month between closing on the new house and closing on the old house with little sisโ€™ wedding […]

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