
Don't waste another minute - prepare for tough conversations now, so you can get back to what matters most - your family.

Does any of this story sound like you?

You are a mom or primary caregiver of a child under the age of five. They are suffering from an undiagnosed, or maybe newly diagnosed, feeding issue like food allergies, tongue or lip tie, reflux, or an airway/anatomical issue and you are just trying to figure out how to navigate this new world.

Which doctors or medical providers do you need to talk to? And, how do you ensure that when you do go to talk to them, that they really listen, I mean -- really HEAR you? Will they provide the care you need, or refer you to the specialist that needs to help you along your journey?

For me, this was the HARDEST part of my journey with my three kiddos, all of which had different feeding issues and unique circumstances that needed countless medical visits, including specialists, to receive a proper diagnosis and a care plan. And, especially with my first, it didn't happen for us until much later than it should have. Enter: Advocacy Scripts.

I was constantly turned away, dismissed, and told that it was nothing to worry about and that they would grow out of it. Or, worse, that there was actually nothing wrong at all and that it was all in my head. I was told that food allergies in kids weren't a real thing. That my breast milk was poisoning my baby. That tongue ties and lip ties were a fad and not scientifically proven. That my child was not allergic to anything. That my constant visits to the ER and need for steroids to breath properly were just "the way it is" and that I just had to wait until my kid got older.

In fact, not KNOWING how to advocate for myself and my kids properly was the beginning of my journey as a mother. Not knowing how to advocate for myself while pregnant, including not knowing what my rights were in the hospital, what I could refuse or at least question, and when I could intervene or have my husband intervene for me, led to an extremely preventable emergency c-section with major complications that led to what is now, a huge amount of birth trauma for me and a much longer journey of trauma with my other two children because of this.

It was also the beginning of my realization that as a woman, I was going to have a much harder time navigating the medical healthcare system in the United States, and if I did not arm myself with the right skills the next time around, I was going to end up in a similar situation.

So, I started training myself to be my own best advocate. I did my research. I talked to as many people as I possibly could. And I had a lot of failed attempts along the way trying to navigate this new world of complex medical issues that I was quickly realizing, not many people or providers were equip to help me with.

It was time to build my own village. And, help others!

My why!

You know what else I didn’t expect? 

That I would have to Advocate HARD with family and close friends. This was like a slap in the face at times, and caused me to rethink some relationships. 
I heard things like “a little butter won’t hurt them”, “but are they even really allergic?”, “I think you are over-reacting”, “why don’t you just feed formula?”, the list goes on. 
This happened with my husband, my mother, my sister, my in-laws, you name it. I cannot tell you how many times I was made extremely uncomfortable, especially at family gatherings, where bringing my own food for myself and/or my kiddos became a fight. I couldn’t trust that things were going to be safe, and my family couldn’t stop being “offended” that I wasn’t eating the food provided. There was a huge struggle in getting acknowledgement that things were actually seriously wrong and/or dangerous for us, and it was a constant battle. 

If this even sounds a little bit like you, you are in the right place. I can’t wait for you to get started. 

We’ve got this,

Owner, #momboss

take the guesswork out

What Feeding Issue(s) does your child have?


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